The following links (click on them) will take you to detailed information on the subject. 

Watch for more to be added soon!

Are You Ready For a Puppy?

Feeding Your New Puppy

The First Few Weeks with a New Puppy

House Training Your Puppy

Crate Training Your Puppy

What is Hypoglycemia? (READ ME - Very Informative!)

T-Cups and Tiny Toys (Are they right for you?)

Kennel Cough: An In-Depth Look

My Puppy has Coccidia- What is it?

My Puppy has Giardia - What is it?

Low Cost Vaccinations - Spay/Neuter Clinic **

What is Leptospirosis and should you be concerned?

Spay/Neuter (Remember: A Happy and Healthy Pet is a Spayed or Neutered Pet!!!)

Still Vaccinating Your Pet Every Year?

How to Introduce Your Puppy to an Older Resident Dog

Why Should I Crate Train My Puppy?

Nipping and Mouthing by Puppies and Dogs?

Travel Tips - Dogs Get Car Sick Too! (What you should do)

Going Poop On Command

Should You Buy Dog Health Insurance?

Explaining Pet Loss to Children: Six Do’s and Don’ts

Home Care For One Of The Most Common Conditions In Dogs
(The Home Care articles are NOT intended to take the place of your veterinarian's advice but to help you make good informed decisions if you can't see a vet for some reason)

Can You Imagine Your Life Without the RIGHT to own a Pet?
(Interesting reading about what the REAL goals of the HSUS, PETA and ASPCA are: To eliminate ownership of ANY type of animal - starting with dogs and cats! Donate to your local Humane Society not one of the above organizations).

Health Alert - Pet Product Recalls by FDA Link
It’s always a good idea to keep updated on the latest recalls and warnings. It is a good habit to take a regualr look at the FDA list of problem pet products.  Click on "Health Alert" in blue above to see current list.


We hope these tips help you and your new puppy enjoy a long healthy life!!